Getting there

Outdoor Austria does not provide transport to and from the starting location of our tours. But we always try our best to help and advise you in order to give you the best possible travel experience.

In Austria, most of our destinations are only one to two hours car drive away from a major airport or train station. From Salzburg and Innsbruck, you will find well connected trains taking you to the start location.

Nearest Airport: Insbruck
Train: Insbruck

Nearest Airport: Salzburg
Train: Salzburg

Nearest Airport: Salzburg
Train: Salzburg

Nearest Airport: Salzburg
Train: Salzburg

For car hire, we usually recommend platforms such as Auto Europe or Rental Car.

Sustainable travel

Outdoor Austria supports low-emission traveling and will always recommend the most sustainable ways to reach our destinations. In most cases this will be by public transport or by car. If flying, please use the carbon offset option offered by most airlines.

Please note that this information is a recommendation only. Outdoor Italy does only take responsibility for the tour itself and not for travel to the starting point.